Biopark Prices (2025)

1. BioPark Visitor Info & Tickets - City of Albuquerque

  • Zoo · Directions and Parking · BioPark Membership · BioPark Frequently Asked...

  • We look forward to seeing you soon at the ABQ BioPark.

BioPark Visitor Info & Tickets - City of Albuquerque

2. Admission and Hours - Turtle Back Zoo

  • In Season Admission Rates: Adult 13 and over $20, Child 2-12 $17, Senior 62 and over $17, Baby Under 24 months FREE. Tickets can be purchased Online or at the ...

  • ‹ ì}ëzÛ¶²èoûûú³KH]}“#w9‰³š}šËŽ“½öÞiŽ>J„$&ɒ”/Uý.çYݙH‚7Ivì´ë쪍EƒÁ`0Ìà2xòÀòÆѕÏÙ,š;ÇÛOð‹9¦;hÜÕ?œi˜ÆM¾æ<2,òuþëÂ>hÏ<7ân¤¿‡ü‹_-â—Qñ±ñÌB >¼¡h¬ X";røñ‰5·ÃÐö\fºûÉ[!ÓÙûE /ÙSsü…ý·ç=i àí't½òF6¼<óù؞Øcö È Ù#öÂ<·¡lȯÇDºæœ´s›_ø^)¤]ØV4´;­óıÝ/,àÎ@g 8^DQilðÉ@ú†ýfÓêX‡{†Ù[nÛùxðç<0\5/|]Ð\øŽgZa³Ójï5[{Íß

3. Tickets - Central Park Zoo

  • Missing: biopark | Show results with:biopark

  • All park experiences/amenities are subject to change. Some attractions are seasonal. Attraction availability is always subject to unforeseen conditions including weather, mechanical, safety, capacity, crowding, and/or animal-related considerations. All schedules are subject to change.

Tickets - Central Park Zoo

4. Hours & Rates - Bronx Zoo

  • Missing: biopark | Show results with:biopark

  • Park Hours

Hours & Rates - Bronx Zoo

5. Hours & Rates - Central Park Zoo

Hours & Rates - Central Park Zoo

6. FAQs - Bronx Zoo

  • To view a calendar of current prices, visit our tickets page. Flex pricing is not a universal increase in price for the Bronx Zoo Admission ticket. During ...

  • Flex pricing on the Bronx Zoo Admission ticket gives guests the opportunity to plan ahead and visit the park at a lower price but with the same great experience.

FAQs - Bronx Zoo

7. NJDEP | Related Fees | New Jersey State Park Service

  • Missing: biopark | Show results with:biopark

  • NJDEP - Related fees pertaining to lands managed by the New Jersey State Park Service

8. Tickets - Zoo Atlanta

  • Starting at $129/yr. · Unlimited FREE daytime admission all year round · No reservations required for entry · Invitations to Member-exclusive events · Discounts ...

  • The further in advance you purchase Zoo Atlanta tickets, the more you’re likely to save! Admission is free for Military* and children under 3 years old.

Tickets - Zoo Atlanta

9. BioPark Parent - New Mexico BioPark Society

  • Sponsor your favorite animal, plant, fish or insect! For as little as $25 for one year. The cost of becoming a BioPark Parent is fully tax-deductible.

  • The cost of becoming a BioPark Parent is fully tax-deductible.

10. Plan Your Visit - Philadelphia Zoo

  • Group Tickets. Traveling in a pack? Take advantage of our special discounted rates for groups of 15 and up! Learn More.

  • Learn about Zoo amenities, guided tours, on-site activities, accessibility resources, and more.

Plan Your Visit - Philadelphia Zoo

11. El Paso Zoo

  • The El Paso Zoo sits on 35 acres of fun and adventure with animals from Africa, America, Asia, and the Chihuahuan Desert.

12. Riverbanks Zoo & Garden :: Columbia, South Carolina

  • One of America's best zoos, Riverbanks Zoo and Garden is home to more than 2000 animals and one of the nation's most inspiring botanical gardens.

  • One of America's best zoos, Riverbanks Zoo and Garden is home to more than 2,000 animals and one of the nation's most inspiring botanical gardens.

Riverbanks Zoo & Garden :: Columbia, South Carolina

13. Hours and Rates - Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

  • Find the Columbus Zoo's Hours and Rates. Explore admission ticket options and plan your visit for a day of family fun and adventure in Central Ohio.

14. Tickets & Hours | The Maryland Zoo

  • Admission Ticket Guidelines: · Zoo members do not need to reserve tickets. · The last entry time is at 3:30 pm and the Zoo closes at 4:00 pm daily. · Admission ...

  • View the ticket and admission information for The Maryland Zoo as well as our current daily hours here.

Tickets & Hours | The Maryland Zoo

15. Albuquerque BioPark - New Mexico Enchantment

  • Plus, the combo tickets come with a free Albuquerque BioPark train ride, which will take you between all the destinations. ... *Prices based on New Mexico ...

  • Insider tips, stories, and attractions in the state of New Mexico, the Land of Enchantment. Live... Visit... Discover.

Albuquerque BioPark - New Mexico Enchantment

16. Zoo Prices | Louisville Zoo

  • Zoo Prices · Today's Admission Rate · Today's prices are the same online and at the gate. · Fall / Winter Admission Rates · November 1, 2023 – March 15 2024.

  • General Admission The Louisville Zoo admission pricing is based on weather predictions, demand, capacity and other factors. Prices update at midnight each day.  Purchase in advance for the lowest p…

Zoo Prices | Louisville Zoo

17. Hours and Tickets | Oregon Zoo

  • Please purchase tickets in advance online · New member benefit: Visit after 2 p.m. without a reservation. Show your digital membership card and photo ID at the ...

  • Please reserve timed admission tickets, including member admissions, online in advance. All guests, including children under 2 years old, must be included in the reservation. Tickets are available up to 30 days in advance. 

Hours and Tickets | Oregon Zoo

18. Tickets | Chattanooga Zoo

  • The reduced admission rate is $6 per ticket for adults and seniors and $2 per ticket for children ages 3-12. Children two years and younger are free.


Biopark Prices (2025)


How much does the ABQ BioPark cost? ›

The ABQ BioPark is four facilities: Zoo, Aquarium, Botanic Garden and fishing lakes at Tingley Beach. Adults $14.50; seniors (65+) $7.50 and children (3 - 12) $6. Children 2 and under free.

How long does it take to walk through the Albuquerque Aquarium? ›

It also takes about 2-3 hours to walk through the 1.5 miles of the Aquarium and Botanic Garden.

Can you bring food into the Albuquerque Zoo? ›

Lunches and other food items may be brought into the BioPark. Glass items are prohibited.

How many animals are in the ABQ BioPark? ›

ABQ BioPark Zoo

Established in 1927, the Zoo is home to more than 900 animals from around the world. Many of these animals have been part of successful conservation plans and captive breeding programs.

How much does ABQ ride cost? ›

ABQ RIDE has officially adopted a zero fares program and no longer charges to ride.

How many acres is the Albuquerque BioPark? ›

Founded in 1927, the 64-acre ABQ BioPark Zoo offers guests close encounters with exotic and native animals.

What time is the shuttle to the ABQ Zoo? ›

You will receive a wristband for admission to your next BioPark destination. The first shuttle leaves the Aquarium/Garden at 9:30 a.m. and the Zoo at 10 a.m. All indoor facilities close before 5 p.m. The last BioPark Shuttles leave the Aquarium/Garden at 3:30 p.m. and the Zoo at 4:00 p.m.

How big is Albuquerque Aquarium? ›

285,000 U.S. gallons

Can you feed giraffes at Albuquerque Zoo? ›

Stop by at noon today to feed the giraffes and talk to a zookeeper. Giraffe feeding ends next weekend as we wrap up our summer activities. Come to the ABQ BioPark Zoo to meet "Abi" and the ...

What snacks can you bring to the Zoo? ›

Snacks to Bring to the Zoo
  • Frozen Water Bottles. These keep everything in the cooler cold until lunchtime. ...
  • DIY Squeeze Applesauce. A great snack to eat while you watch the animals. ...
  • Can Of Pineapple Chunks. We bring a few toothpicks to eat these with. ...
  • Beef Jerky. ...
  • Good Old Fashioned PB&J. ...
  • Dry Cereal. ...
  • Fresh Fruit. ...
  • Crackers.
Jun 12, 2020

Is the Albuquerque Zoo big? ›

ABQ BioPark Zoo - A 64-acre (26 ha) zoo, with 2.5 miles (4.0 km) of paths and more than 250 species of exotic and native animals.

What elephants are at the ABQ BioPark? ›

How many elephants call the ABQ BioPark home? The herd at the ABQ BioPark consists of four elephants. Rozie, her mother Alice, Irene, and Albert, our current resident male.

What is the name of the hippo at ABQ BioPark? ›

The ABQ BioPark is home to two Nile hippopotamuses: Moe, a large male, and Karen, the resident female. Karen and Moe live inside a habitat with a water pond where they spend most of their time.

How much is the Albuquerque Museum? ›

Albuquerque Museum Admission
Albuquerque Museum AdmissionCost
Adults / NM Residents with ID$5
Seniors 65+$4
Children 4 to 12 years old$3
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.